Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Author: Anthony Ruhier

import argparse
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys

from pyqos.backend import tc
from pyqos.config import Config, ConfigAttribute

global_logger = logging.getLogger("pyqos")
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PyQoS(): """ Application to simplify the initialization of the QoS rules. Inspired from the Flask project. Usually you create a :class:`PyQoS` instance in your main module or in the :file:`` file of your package like this:: from pyqos import PyQoS app = PyQoS(application_name) """ #: set the main logger in debug mode or not debug = ConfigAttribute("DEBUG") #: dryrun dryrun = ConfigAttribute("DRYRUN") #: name of the main logger logger_name = ConfigAttribute('LOGGER_NAME') #: configuration default values default_config = { "DEBUG": False, "DRYRUN": False, "LOGGER_NAME": None, "INTERFACES": dict(), } #: list of qos object to apply at run run_list = list() def __init__(self, app_name="pyqos", root_path=None): self.app_name = app_name self.config = Config(root_path, self.default_config) self._logger = None self.logger_name = self.app_name @property def logger(self): """ A :class:`logging.Logger` object for this application. The default configuration is to log to stderr if the application is in debug mode. This logger can be used to (surprise) log messages. Here some examples:: app.logger.debug('A value for debugging') app.logger.warning('A warning occurred (%d apples)', 42) app.logger.error('An error occurred') """ if not (self._logger and == self.logger_name): self._logger = logging.Logger(self.logger_name) if self.config["DEBUG"]: self._logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: self._logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) return self._logger def get_ifnames(self, interfaces_lst=None): if interfaces_lst is None: interfaces_lst = self.config["INTERFACES"] if_names = set() for interface in interfaces_lst.values(): if "name" in interface.keys(): if_names.add(interface["name"]) else: if_names.update(self.get_ifnames(interfaces_lst=interface)) return if_names
[docs] def run_as_root(self): """ Restart the script as root """ if os.geteuid() != 0: print("You need to be root to run this script. Relaunching with " "sudo...\n")["sudo", sys.executable] + sys.argv) exit()
def apply_qos(self): self.run_as_root() # Clean old rules self.reset_qos() # Setting new rules print("Setting new rules") for r in self.run_list: r.apply(dryrun=self.config.get("DRYRUN", False))
[docs] def reset_qos(self): """ Reset QoS for all configured interfaces """ self.run_as_root() print("Removing tc rules") ifnames = self.get_ifnames() tc.qdisc_del(ifnames, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
def show_qos(self): ifnames = self.get_ifnames() print("\n\t QDiscs details\n\t================\n") tc.qdisc_show(ifnames, "details") print("\n\t QDiscs stats\n\t==============\n") tc.qdisc_show(ifnames, "details")
[docs] def init_parser(self): """ Init argparse objects """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Tool to set, show or delete QoS rules on Linux" ) # Start/Stop/Show command sp_action = parser.add_subparsers() sp_start = sp_action.add_parser("start", help="set QoS rules") sp_stop = sp_action.add_parser("stop", help="remove all QoS rules") sp_show = sp_action.add_parser("show", help="show QoS rules") # Set function to call for each options sp_start.set_defaults(func=self.apply_qos) sp_stop.set_defaults(func=self.reset_qos) sp_show.set_defaults(func=self.show_qos) # Debug option parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help="set the debug level", dest="debug", action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-D', '--dryrun', help="dry run", dest="dryrun", action="store_true") self.arg_parser = parser
def run(self): self.init_parser() # If no argument provided show help if len(sys.argv) == 1: self.arg_parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) # Parse argument args = self.arg_parser.parse_args() self.dryrun = args.dryrun if args.debug or args.dryrun: self.debug = True # Execute correct function, or print usage if hasattr(args, "func"): args.func() else: self.arg_parser.print_help() sys.exit(1)