Source code for pyqos.algorithms.htb

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Author: Anthony Ruhier

import inspect

from pyqos import tools
from pyqos.backend import tc
from pyqos.exceptions import BadAttributeValueException, NoParentException
from . import _BasicQDisc
from .classless_qdiscs import Cake, FQCodel, PFIFO, SFQ

class HTBQdisc(_BasicQDisc):
    Implement the qdisc which will be directly set on the network interface
    def id(self):
        return str(self.parent.branch_id) + ":"

    def classid(self):

    def default(self):
        return self.parent.default

    def r2q(self):
        return self.parent.r2q

    def apply(self, dryrun=False):
        tc.qdisc_add(self.interface,, "htb",
                     default=self.default, r2q=self.r2q, dryrun=dryrun)

[docs]class EmptyHTBClass(_BasicQDisc): """ HTB that does nothing but can be used as parent for example Can be useful to simulate, for example, a class already handled by another tool in the system. """ #: store the rate as it was defined during the init _rate = None #: store the ceil as it was defined during the init _ceil = None #: store the burst as it was defined during the init _burst = None #: store the cburst as it was defined during the init _cburst = None #: parent object parent = None #: quantum (optional) _quantum = None #: priority prio = None #: children class which will be attached to this class children = None #: If rate is an integer, will be used directly. Can also be a tupple to #: set a relative rate, equals to a % of the parent class rate: #: ``(percentage, rate_min, rate_max)``. The root class cannot have a #: relative rate. #: Will be replaced by a property at init rate = None #: If ceil is an integer, will be used directly. Can also #: be a tupple to set a relative ceil, equals to a % of the parent class #: ceil: ``(percentage, ceil_min, ceil_max)``. If the parent has no ceil #: defined, a relative ceil will use the parent's rate instead. The root #: class cannot have a relative ceil. #: Will be replaced by a property at init ceil = None #: Burst can be a callback or a fixed value #: #: If _burst is an integer, its value will be returned directly. #: Otherwise, if it is a tuple, it will be considered as a callback. burst = None #: Cburst can be a callback or a fixed value #: #: If _burst is an integer, its value will be returned directly. #: Otherwise, if it is a tuple, it will be considered as a callback. cburst = None def _compute_speeds(self, attr): """ Compute the attribute value if it's relative :param attr: attribute associated to the speed to compute :type attr: tuple of 2 or 3 items: (percentage of the parent value, min, [max]) :return computed_speed: integer corresponding to the computed speed """ if self.parent is None: raise NoParentException( str(attr) + " is relative and asked to be computed, but class " " has no parent." ) parent_speed = getattr(self.parent, attr) if attr is "ceil" and parent_speed is None: parent_speed = getattr(self.parent, "rate") relative_speed = getattr(self, "_" + attr) if len(relative_speed) == 3: coeff, speed_min, speed_max = relative_speed elif len(relative_speed) == 2: coeff, speed_min = relative_speed speed_max = parent_speed else: coeff, speed_min, speed_max = relative_speed[0], 0, parent_speed return int( min(max(parent_speed * coeff/100, speed_min), speed_max) ) @property def root(self): """ Get the root of the current branch """ if self.parent is None: raise NoParentException( "The class is not linked to a root class." ) return self.parent.root @property def interface(self): """ Get the interface of the current branch """ if self.parent is None: raise NoParentException( "The class is not linked to a root class." ) return self.parent.interface @property def quantum(self): """ Quantum value """ return self._quantum @property def branch_id(self): """ Id of the current branch """ return self.root.branch_id @property def classid(self): """ Return the full_id, corresponding to "branch_id:id" """ return str(self.branch_id) + ":" + str( def _get_rate(self, obj=None): """ Getter for rate """ if obj is not None: self = obj return (self._compute_speeds("rate") if type(self._rate) is tuple else self._rate) def _set_rate(self, obj=None, value=None): """ Setter for rate """ if obj is not None: self = obj self._rate = value def _get_ceil(self, obj=None): """ Getter for ceil """ if obj is not None: self = obj return (self._compute_speeds("ceil") if type(self._ceil) is tuple else self._ceil) def _set_ceil(self, obj=None, value=None): """ Setter for ceil """ if obj is not None: self = obj self._ceil = value def _getter_burst_cburst(self, attr): """ Common getter for burst or cburst They can be a callback or a fixed value: If attr is an integer, its value will be returned directly. Otherwise, if it is a tuple or a function, it will be considered as a callback. An argument obj=self will always be sent to the callback. :param attr: attr to get (self._cburst or self._burst) :return: result of the callback if any, otherwise the direct value of the attribute """ if type(attr) is not tuple: try: return attr() except TypeError: return attr if len(attr) == 3: callback, args, kwargs = attr return callback(obj=self, *args, **kwargs) elif len(attr) == 2: callback, args = attr return callback(obj=self, *args) else: callback = attr[0] return callback(self) def _get_burst(self, obj=None): """ Getter for burst """ if obj is not None: self = obj return self._getter_burst_cburst(self._burst) def _set_burst(self, obj=None, value=None): if obj is not None: self = obj self._burst = value def _get_cburst(self, obj=None): """ Getter for cburst """ if obj is not None: self = obj return self._getter_burst_cburst(self._cburst) def _set_cburst(self, obj=None, value=None): if obj is not None: self = obj self._cburst = value def _add_class(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def add_child(self, *args): """ Add a class as children """ for class_child in args: class_child.parent = self self.children.append(class_child)
[docs] def apply(self, auto_quantum=True, dryrun=False): """ Apply qos with current attributes The function is recursive, so it will apply the qos of all children too. """ self.auto_quantum = auto_quantum self._add_class(dryrun=dryrun) for child in self.children: child.apply(auto_quantum=auto_quantum, dryrun=dryrun)
def __init__(self, id=None, rate=None, ceil=None, burst=None, cburst=None, quantum=None, prio=None, children=None, *args, **kwargs): self._init_properties("rate", "ceil", "burst", "cburst") = id or if rate is not None: self.rate = rate if ceil is not None: self.ceil = ceil if burst is not None: self.burst = burst if cburst is not None: self.cburst = cburst self._quantum = quantum self.prio = prio or self.prio self.children = children or []
[docs]class HTBClass(EmptyHTBClass): """ Basic HTB class """ @property def quantum(self): """ Quantum value """ try: if self.auto_quantum and self._quantum is None: return tools.get_mtu(self.interface) + 14 except AttributeError: return self._quantum def _add_class(self, dryrun=False): """ Add class to the interface """ tc.qos_class_add(self.interface, parent=self.parent.classid, classid=self.classid, rate=self.rate, ceil=self.ceil, burst=self.burst, cburst=self.cburst, prio=self.prio, quantum=self.quantum, dryrun=dryrun)
class RootHTBClass(HTBClass): """ Root tc class, directly attached to the interface """ #: interface _interface = None id = 1 #: branch id (and id of the root qdisc) branch_id = None #: default mark to catch default = None #: r2q, to influe on the quantum (optional) r2q = None @property def root(self): return self @property def interface(self): """ Return the interface name """ return self._interface def __init__(self, interface=None, branch_id=1, default=None, r2q=None, *args, **kwargs): self._interface = interface self.default = default self.r2q = r2q or self.r2q self.branch_id = branch_id or self.branch_id self._qdisc = HTBQdisc(parent=self) # Needed with inherited functions self.parent = self._qdisc super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def apply(self, auto_quantum=True, dryrun=False): """ If the r2q has been defined, the quantum will not be defined automatiqually for children. """ if type(self.rate) is tuple: raise BadAttributeValueException( "Rate cannot be relative for a root class" ) self._qdisc.apply(dryrun=dryrun) return super().apply( auto_quantum=(auto_quantum and self.r2q is None), dryrun=dryrun )
[docs]class HTBFilter(HTBClass): """ Basic class with filtering """ #: mark catch by the class mark = None #: qdisc associated. Can be a class of an already initialized qdisc. qdisc = None #: dict used during the construction **ONLY**, used as a kwargs to set the #: qdisc attributes. qdisc_kwargs = dict() def __init__(self, mark=None, qdisc=None, qdisc_kwargs=None, *args, **kwargs): self.mark = mark or self.mark qdisc = qdisc or self.qdisc self.qdisc_kwargs = qdisc_kwargs or self.qdisc_kwargs if inspect.isclass(qdisc): self.qdisc = qdisc(parent=self, **self.qdisc_kwargs) else: self.qdisc = qdisc self.qdisc.parent = self for attr, value in self.qdisc_kwargs.items(): setattr(qdisc, attr, value) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _add_filter(self, dryrun=False): """ Add filter to the class """ tc.filter_add(self.interface, parent=str(self.branch_id) + ":", prio=self.prio, handle=self.mark, flowid=self.classid, dryrun=dryrun)
[docs] def apply(self, auto_quantum=True, dryrun=False): """ Apply qos with current attributes The function is recursive, so it will apply the qos of all children too. """ self.auto_quantum = auto_quantum self._add_class(dryrun=dryrun) self.qdisc.apply(dryrun=dryrun) self._add_filter(dryrun=dryrun) for child in self.children: child.apply(auto_quantum=auto_quantum, dryrun=dryrun)
[docs]class HTBFilterCake(HTBFilter): """ Lazy wrapper to get a HTB class with a filter and a Cake qdisc already set """ qdisc = Cake
[docs]class HTBFilterFQCodel(HTBFilter): """ Lazy wrapper to get a HTB class with a filter and a FQCodel qdisc already set """ qdisc = FQCodel
[docs]class HTBFilterPFIFO(HTBFilter): """ Lazy wrapper to get a HTB class with a filter and a PFIFO qdisc already set """ qdisc = PFIFO
[docs]class HTBFilterSFQ(HTBFilter): """ Lazy wrapper to get a HTB class with a filter and a SFQ qdisc already set """ qdisc = SFQ